Brown Thomas is a chain of Irish department stores, located in Cork, Dublin, Galway and Limerick. The creme de la creme of department stores, Brown Thomas offers luxurious in clothing, cosmetics and homeware. For over 45 years, Storage Systems Limited has fitted out Dexion HI280 Shelving in all Brown Thomas department stores in Ireland.
Our most recent installation is the fitout at Brown Thomas new revamped store in Dundrum town centre located in Dublin 16. In order to provide more storage capacity in the stockroom, a high-density mobile garment shelving solution was installed to increase overall capacity whilst still allowing easy and frequent access.
Our Dexion HI280 garment shelving is mounted onto mobile bases that glide across special floor mounted tracks. These rolling racks feature inboard hanging rails and are built in a variety of heights to make the most of all of the available space. Thanks to the modular design of the Dexion shelving system, the garment rails are set at different height intervals to suit the clothing.
Flat shelf levels are added for storing smaller items and folded clothes within the same unit, creating a truly flexible retail storage solution that can cope with changing fashion trends and seasonal stock fluctuations of Brown Thomas.